The Yoga Experience:Basic Principles and Practice

  • February 11, 2023
  • 9-10 a.m.

The Yoga Experience:Basic Principles and Practice

Yoga offers mental and physical benefits to people of all ages and can be incredibly beneficial to our overall wellbeing. Yoga can build flexibility, strength, awareness and harmony in both the body and

Join Tina Kaminski, Modern Minds therapist and Certified Yoga Instructor for an introduction of the basic principles of yoga. You’ll also learn about the benefits to your physical and mental wellbeing
and even get to engage in a brief yoga session. Anyone interested in learning more about yoga is welcome and this class does not require prior experience, special clothing or equipment.



Modern Minds with MUSC Health

Synchronicity is a subsidiary of Modern Minds, a non-profit organization dedicated to treating and empowering mental health and wellbeing. We often partner together to offer truly integrative care for Modern Minds clients, Synchronicity members and the greater Lowcountry community.
