Whether you’re looking to drop in for the day or make recharging a regular part of your routine, we have an option for you.

Classic Pack
(8 visits/month)$79
All-Access Pack
(8 visits/month)$139
Outdoor Sauna
Cold Plunge
Compression Therapy
Movement Classes
Infrared Sauna
Massage Chair
Salt Booth
Low Level Light Therapy
Office Room Rental

Please click here to become a member.

Classic Limited………………$79/month for 8 monthly visits

Includes unlimited access to the outdoor steam sauna, cold pool plunges, compression therapy, classes, and open stretch room

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Classic Unlimited…………….$119/month for unlimited visits

Includes unlimited access to the outdoor steam sauna, cold pool plunges, compression therapy, classes, and open stretch room
*Some restrictions apply

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All-Access Limited……………$139/month for 8 monthly visits

Includes unlimited* access to all Sync amenities and exclusive access to the new steam sauna and cold plunge.
*Some restrictions apply

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All-Access Unlimited………….$169/month for unlimited visits

Includes unlimited* access to all Sync amenities and exclusive access to the new steam sauna and cold plunge.
*Some restrictions apply

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Modern Minds with MUSC Health

Synchronicity is a subsidiary of Modern Minds, a non-profit organization dedicated to treating and empowering mental health and wellbeing. We often partner together to offer truly integrative care for Modern Minds clients, Synchronicity members and the greater Lowcountry community.

Visit Modern-Minds.com